schools in Lexington SC

The Best Public Schools and Average Tuition in Lexington, SC

If you're considering attending college in Lexington, South Carolina, you've come to the right place. We've reviewed the public schools in Lexington, SC, Niche rankings, and average tuition for each. You'll also find out what's on offer at the local universities and colleges. Learn more about the schools in Lexington, SC below! Then, choose one of the colleges and universities that best suit your needs. You'll be glad you did!

Colleges and universities near Lexington, South Carolina

The community of Lexington is home to 22 colleges and universities. These schools enroll 71,625 students. Although the city has a small population of 17,870, they are located within 50 miles of each other. One of the closest colleges is Midlands Technical College, which is 6.4 miles from Lexington. If you'd like to attend one of these schools, driving time should be less than an hour. The best colleges in Lexington are the University of South Carolina Columbia, which enrolls 35,470 students.

If you're looking to get a diploma or degree in the area, there are accredited trade schools around Lexington, SC. Trade schools provide 6 month certificate classes and diplomas in a variety of fields. Some of these careers include HVAC technician, welding, truck driving, mechanics, and more. Online programs in business and criminal justice are also available. You can get financial aid from these schools if you're a recent high school graduate or are a new parent. Additionally, some schools offer evening and weekend classes for your convenience.

Public schools

If you're looking to find a great public school in Lexington SC, you've come to the right place. Lexington County, SC is a great place to raise a child. The public school system in Lexington is top-notch, with 70 public schools to choose from. Overall, the city's schools rank in the top 30 percent in the state. The city has a low student-teacher ratio, at 15:1, and a low crime rate. Students in Lexington enjoy a plethora of activities and recreational opportunities.

The Lexington County School District One is a public school system that serves 27,300 students. It employs about 3,900 people and has 31 schools. The city stretches from Lake Murray all the way to Aiken County. It covers approximately 48% of the city, and has a population of about 121,030, according to the 2010 Census Data. The district has been in operation for about 30 years and has received good reviews from parents and students alike.

Niche rankings

If you're looking for the best school in Lexington SC, consider checking out Niche's ranking for local schools. The website ranks nearly 100,000 schools and ranks the top one percent based on user reviews. The average review for Lexington County Elementary School gives it a five-star rating. Parents of children attending the elementary school are generally happy with the staff and teachers at the school. Teachers are always available to answer questions and assist parents with school-related issues.

Average tuition

The average tuition for schools in Lexington, SC is $2,547. This figure includes preschool students and those in graduate school. The city is ranked among the highest in the greater Lexington area for its average tuition, which is 0.4% lower than the United States average. However, this is a low number and it is important to look at other factors when choosing a school. The following information is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be used as a substitute for a school's quality.

The Lexington area is home to 1 community college. There are 8,470 undergraduate students at community colleges near Lexington and 1,248 graduates who earned an associate degree. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average tuition for 4-year, nonprofit colleges in the Lexington area is $16,016 per student. However, the tuition cost for 2-year online colleges is $4,788 per year. This is considerably lower than the average tuition in other parts of the country.

In the Lexington SC area, there is a significant proportion of public school students compared to private. The percentage of students enrolled in both private and public schools is similar. However, there are differences. Richland One spends slightly more than Lexington One, which is about 25 percent more than Richland Two. Richland One spent more than any other Columbia-area district in the broad category of Instructional Staff Services (ISL).

In terms of educational attainment, the Lexington SC area ranks fourth in the US. According to Project Nickel, the state spends $11,140 per student in public schools each year. If you are interested in learning more about the average tuition of public schools in Lexington, we recommend that you visit our website. It provides information on school spending and other related issues in a convenient way. Our goal is to make your search easier. There are many schools to choose from, so we recommend comparing them to find the most suitable school for you.

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Lexington SC Schools
Lexington SC area Schools