Columbia SC Schools
If you are searching for information about schools in Columbia, SC, you have come to the right place. Here you will find information about public, private, charter, and nontraditional schools. The population of West Columbia is 9,612 and there are many options for you. To get a better idea of what is available in West Columbia, SC, read on! These schools will help you to choose the best education for your child. You can also view reviews and ratings for each school so that you will know which one is right for your child.
School district 5
If you're looking for a school district in Columbia SC, there are a few things to keep in mind. School districts in Columbia South Carolina are not all created equal. They each offer different levels of education. The District 5 Path Planning Committee, for example, aims to ensure that every student with a disability graduates with the skills necessary to get a job and contribute to society. Besides its academic offerings, Columbia SC also offers many private schools.
Olympia Learning Center
Students attending the Olympia Learning Center Columbia SC schools will be provided with a broad range of academic programs that address a broad range of subjects. The academic program covers English, computer applications, history, social studies, economics, math, science, graphic arts, and technology. Students can also take classes in business technology or health care. The Olympia Learning Center is also home to a library media center, personal development programs, and guidance and counseling sessions.
When the Olympia Learning Center was first constructed, it was a normal public school. In 2004, it was reconstructed to the same size and included school memorabilia. Today, the Olympia Learning Center is one of the most advanced alternative schools in Columbia, SC. The Olympia Learning Center has an average enrollment of four students and is close to several restaurants, shops, and other amenities. Located in Columbia, SC, Olympia Learning Center is within walking distance of many popular attractions and amenities, including American Tire Distributors, Hot Yoga Masala, and Capital City Stadium.
The Olympia mill village is rich with history. The first school in Olympia was opened in 1901, and today the building that serves as the Olympia Learning Center is home to the original school. The building, located at 1170 Olympia Ave., is being renovated to serve as a museum. It is an example of the standard mill house, a two-story, six-room structure with a "saltbox" roof shed.
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